Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dry Flaky Spots On My Dogs Back 5 Yr Old Border Collie Mix, Loses Massive Amounts Of Hair, Dry Flaky Skin. What Can I Do?

5 yr old border collie mix, loses massive amounts of hair, dry flaky skin. What can I do? - dry flaky spots on my dogs back

She has many bald spots on the face, back, abdomen, legs and tail. They are all red, scaly patches on the scratches. Also feel very bad. The vet said he is simply very allergic to fleas and drugs, but only for a short period. We thought that sleep because obviously unhappy. I need to know what I can help my poor dog. I have my mother to stop feeding her ol Roy 'long, usually feeding her Iams or nutrition science.


Joh: think outside the bag said...

The veterinarian to verify that skin scrapings for scabies? How about getting rid of a course of antibiotics for secondary infections from?

Many people turn to a natural diet, the way to the premium because of skin problems, with fantastic results. The theory is that all grains, vegetables and meat, because the immune system of the dog cooked so overwhelmed that these terms. See the first link in the scientific reasons for this ..... To be honest, very little, if any, commercial foods that do not contain these ingredients. EC The SD feed still contains all the seeds, etc., but added, vitamin E. As if this will help a dog with an autoimmune disease?

At the start of eating only one protein source - most people choose the pieces of chicken. For a non --g the size of your house with the quarter or semifinals. After a few weeks, adding another protein (pork, beef, turkey, fish, etc.), but only add a new theme every two weeks. This way you know if and what causes the problem.

Feed 2-3% of body weight per day, depending on the activity of your dog. 16.5 kilograms force my child to more than 450 grams per day. The general guide for animal feed (in a week or more) of raw meat 70-80% 10-15% 10-15% of the bones and edible meat offal / - organ, no corn, dairy products or vegetables in this elimination in the first period. Then you can choose to dine Scraps inculde not more than 5%. No cooked bones, of course. The idea is to give your dog "frankenprey. The attached links are full of information and feelPlease contact me for links to user groups, Yahoo, etc.

Michele said...

Try to get a second opinion from another vet - it is clear that there is something wrong with the dog, and there should be other drugs out there to help. Do not give the right time. Good luck!

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