Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcoming A New Born Baby Hindi Songs How To Avoid The Families Interferance For Your New Born Baby?

How to avoid the families interferance for your new born baby? - welcoming a new born baby hindi songs

My baby is here next Sunday, before my mother was very helpful with this and I suggest that preparing for the baby. Well, actually.
Well, I'm afraid they might want my baby nameee
I think I have the name for my baby. Baby born after we (I and my husband and son) from our house is moving under the laws of the house for a month in my new house, not build more of the ding.
I'm so afraid of looking too great and the idea that I am a hard nut to crack. I want to hurt anyone, so I played a lot, but after the birth of baby ... hoho I think I can do everything that my mother always said (especially that 1 months) will be ready before my new house lived in s.

If anyone has an idea about this, please, welcome.


♥ DJ ♥ said...

You must tell him politely that it only bring you and your child as they see fit, or he may not realize that they crossed the border and may continue to give advice to one side. Good luck and congratulations!

bride2be said...

Oh, the laws are always a pain. Even if they are really nice and down to earth people. I understand that I do not want to be disrespectful and say you want the name of his son and all, maybe you should have your husband help you too.

bride2be said...

Oh, the laws are always a pain. Even if they are really nice and down to earth people. I understand that I do not want to be disrespectful and say you want the name of his son and all, maybe you should have your husband help you too.

bride2be said...

Oh, the laws are always a pain. Even if they are really nice and down to earth people. I understand that I do not want to be disrespectful and say you want the name of his son and all, maybe you should have your husband help you too.

Glory said...

Wow - they really are in a dilemma, is not it. On the one hand, you stay at home .... In addition, your baby is not (her)!

To get started, you should discuss your feelings with your husband. You should know how important it is only 2 to make decisions about the child - his mother.

In addition, one of you (both) need to talk about how you appreciate all the comments and recommendations you need to make decisions about the child on their own.

Let him know that he was there and picked ____ Number of children before and is quite capable, you must find what works for you. Even if it means that some "mistakes" on the road. The baby must also get on your schedule, not her. A baby is a learning process for everyone!

Another tip is "thank you" advice ". My mother told me that give people all the time in the life of unsolicited advice that they will not, certainly in this case, that you say, thank you forr they offer ... Then there is what you want! I am 29 years and has repeatedly worked for me !!!!!

Finally, try to remain positive. I know that sounds harsh, but we will be there for a month! Then this is your baby your new location. In addition, the first month is probably good, extra change hands in order to have diapers and all!


naticatt... said...

Why not just go home to their parents?
it will be difficult to avoid the disruption of her life with her.
She tries to help, from what I read does not seem to say, but if it bothers you, stay away from him ... and do not live at home for a month.

snowwill... said...

I am a stepmother, and now I'm the grandmother. I like to advise and help, but it's so far. I hope that my son and DIL. You need the rules. It's your baby then it's time for a heart to heart with MIL. Explain your rules and make sure that your husband there to support you in fact create yourhusband standards should be set. Moreover, nothing wrong with breastfeeding past 6 months, but last 2 a bit too long. You need a cup at the time. My granddaughter is 14 months and still breastfed. She is not ready to stop. Good luck.

priscilla h said...

This is your family. You are the father and all his good, so you know what is best for you and your child. I had the same problem with my husband Putzu stepmother to a new and better way, because they have a son who was 25 years ago. She wanted my son to his mother when she is not even a real member of the family name. She says things like I do the best for my son (my husband), as if what my parents told me things and I were sujesting were not good enough. So I finally said something I politly initially unaware that his proposals, but he did not and things that are still proposed. I finally had to be rude and put my foot down, because he is my family, not yours. All this, while my happnen hussband seployed if he so angry that he even stepped in the way of my Désis. To make a long story, not talking to him more. Then my father and my husband had been divorced for some time. But I would put my foot.

BoRhapIn... said...

Her mother wants the baby's name? Why did not you say no? The name is chosen. Period. End of story. Thanks for the suggestions will be considered next time. You can have company and polite at the same time. Learning to do what you must do to MIL. If you feel easily overwhelmed, say "Excuse me", take the child and go into his room and closed the door.

You do not need your advice, and ask if you owe no explanation.

Good luck and congratulations on your new kid!

sexy legs said...

Oh, mother of laws and the mother can be very intrusive, unfortunately, you are sure that there is no place he could stay home until it's finished? If this is not possible, ask your husband to have a good word for his calm and order that gives the space you need. It's a very tense moment when you first come along grandparents and put their noses in. My mother was very helpful after I had my cesarean and I felt good, but my hormones because I hated it at home .. I wish him all the best ..

Congratulations, when the baby arrives, and good luck x

jsfnita said...

Do what you do with your baby and sometimes the mother and stepmother Super Happy want laws on the new baby and can not wait. My advice to you is to live! You're lucky, someone to help you when you come home from the hospital. They call the baby what you want and tell him that if he over the finish line. Sometimes people say to turn back, but will not change his love for his young son. It could only be identified but did not return. Let him take the child for a nap ... Note that you just have a baby and like a newborn baby will be treated.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. I think that many mothers share a rule of law, "" want to share their experiences with their daughters in law. Some of the advice it gives is great, and some of them may not be what you want. Once the baby is born, you will find all kinds of advice from friends and family to find, but ultimately you and your husband are responsible for decisions about your baby. But the respect that he has raised a beautiful son (married).

If the MIL is unsolicited advice, you must first thank you for the suggestions, then tell him what you want to do "this or that." Explain that raised no update, as the children. It is used to indicate that babies sleep on their stomachs to say now that for them to sleep on their backs. If all else fails ask your husband to talk about how she feels. Most likely to respond better when it comes to his son, instead comes his stepdaughter.

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